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VBS 2015 - Day 5

Day 5 – God Has the Power to Love Us Forever


VBS 2015 - Day 5– Image 1 of 2


What a wonderful end to a very full week! Trek and his climbing crew have recovered and are ready to climb to the top of Everest. Throughout the week we’ve experienced God’s provision, comfort, healing and forgiveness. Today we’ve learned the wonderful truth that His love is forever!

Key Verse: John 3:15 Everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. We asked the kids who “him” is. Answer: JESUS! We also asked them to define eternal: Answers: Forever, never ending, everlasting…

Bible Story: Jesus promises us an eternal home (John 14:1-3) The kiddos were asked to share about what struggles they are experiencing today. Our struggles on this earth, though painful, are only temporary. Not only did Jesus die on the cross for our sins, He rose again and is alive preparing an eternal place for us in heaven. Heaven is a place of provision, comfort, healing, forgiveness, and an eternity in God’s presence. Kids were shown a hula-hoop to represent an eternity in heaven and were invited to step inside.

Imagination Station: Befuddler Can you knot a piece of string without ever letting go of it? We discovered there is only one way to do this. We were given time to take apart a puzzle and found that there is only one way this is possible. These experiments reiterate the truth that there is only one-way to heaven: Jesus Christ.

KidVid: Olivia and Elyse tell what it was like to trust God as they prayed for their uncle to know and love God.

Character of the Day: Yeddy, our Himalayan bear

Glacier Games: We were given a ball. Our task was to keep the ball up in the air forever. This was impossible. Then we passed around some ice cubes. Like these ice cubes, our lives are fragile and destined to pass away. Fortunately, heaven is forever. God has to power to love us forever!

Mountaintop Treats: We enjoyed some delicious Pizza Peaks as we explored Everest VBS.

Our “God’s Sightings” board is full! What a wonderful week of seeing all God has done through Everest VBS and beyond.