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Canceling Your Recurring Gift through Pushpay:

1. Visit the Pushpay giving portal:

2. Click on “Your Account” in the top right hand corner.


3. A box will drop down, select “Manage Your Account.”


If you are on your phone, you may be already logged in, otherwise follow the prompts to log into your account.

 pushpay-cancel-03  pushpay-cancel-04 

Once you are logged in, you will see a box marked “Recurring gifts” on the right hand side of your browser. Next to your recurring gift amount select the word “Edit.”


A new box will open, with a couple blue buttons. Click the one marked “Cancel.”


A prompt will ask you to confirm your cancellation. Click “Yes.”


Congratulations! Now you can set-up a recurring gift through Subsplash so that more money goes to support ministry, and not fees.