Join us sundays at 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00AM

Reflections & Resources on Work & Family


God takes our work from futility to fertility.

God cares about the work you do, paid or unpaid, in the workplace and at home; and through Christ He is able to transform your simplest endeavors into something meaningful and fruitful.

Sunday's sermon (watch or listen here) began the conversation, but it wasn't the end of the matter. It needs your voice and your time in prayer to hear God's voice. Carve out some time this week to work through the following self-reflection questions on your own, and then discuss your answers with someone else (spouse, friend, parent, mentor).

Then take a look at some of the resources below, and check back all week as we post portions of and links to various articles on the topics of work and family. We want to help you take your work from futility to fertility.


Image by Martina

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do I approach my "work"? For who or what am I working?
  2. How should the reality of God (He exists and works) and the Gospel (Jesus' work for us) change how I think about work?
  3. What skill has God given me by which I can bless the world?
  4. How can I do my work in a rhythm that shows trust in God and leads to health in me?
  5. Who can I come alongside to help them do this as well?
  6. Where and how can I do my work most strategically to advance the mission of God to grow fully devoted followers of Christ?
  7. Who has God placed around me that I can help take one more step closer to Christ in salvation or maturity?


Every Good Endeavor: Connecting Your Work to God’s Work | By Tim Keller

New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller shows how God calls on each of us to express meaning and purpose through our work and careers.

Rethinking Retirement: Finishing Life for the Glory of Christ | By John Piper

For readers who long to finish better than they started, persevere for the right reasons (and without fear), experience true security, value what lies beyond their cravings, and live dangerously for the One who gave His life. (Only 32 pages)

Gospel-Powered Parenting: How the Gospel Shapes & Transforms Parenting | By William Farley

Parents who claim the gospel as their own have an enormous effect on their marriage, their integrity, and their love for their children.

Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God | By Marty Wachowski

“Long Story Short” is a family devotional program designed to explain God's plan of salvation through the Old Testament and is suitable for children from preschool through high school. (Also see: “Old Story New”)

1 Comment

Praying for coworkers has allowed me to see
God's work at work. Wonderful things have happened. Everytime I see these co-workers-
I see prayers answered.

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