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One Step Forward at a Time

Forward is the picture of our mission to grow Fully Devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and it begins with a CROSS and a CROWN. The empty cross stands for Jesus’ death and resurrection and the crown stands for his future eternal reign. Now these aren't just moments in history, but they are personal too. At the cross God's people are RESCUED, and one day all who are rescued will be fully transformed to be like Jesus, gathered around His throne to GLORIFY Him forever.

But how do we get there?

Well, God reaches for those who are lost in the darkness, bringing them to the cross. Once rescued God continues to move them forward, growing them in knowledge, obedience, holiness and joy. Whether it's steps toward the cross or toward the crown, God has four primary tools for moving us forward: God’s Word, God’s Spirit, God’s People, and God’s Timing.

Though it's dependent upon God, He wants us to be involved, every rescued person, every follower of Chris is responsible to take part in this mission. So God’s Word, we proclaim; God’s Spirit, we pray to and depend upon; God’s people, we pull together to do the work. And since it's in God's Timing, and not ours, we persevere in faith. You see, God is not only committed to reaching and growing us, God is committed to EMPOWERing us to take part in His plan too.

Which means, that not only is this a picture of what God is doing in your life, it’s a picture of what He is calling you to be involved in in the lives of others: To REACH, GROW AND EMPOWER others to REACH, GROW and EMPOWER others; in your family, your church, your community and even around the world.

Because that's our mission as a church is to grow fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ... one step forward at a time.




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Forward Hand Drawn


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