Join us sundays at 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00AM

Fall Growth Groups

Growth Groups at South Shores meet throughout the week on campus or in the community. The theme of Growth Groups is – Growing Together. The goal is that our church family would grow together in God's Word, in community and in service. Available groups are mixed, couples, women's, men's and young adults. Each group studies our sermon based Growth Group curriculum. The Winter Session of Group groups begin the week of September 14, and runs for ten weeks.

We will be following the weekend sermon series in the Gospel of John entitled "#JESUSIS". To find a group group click here. You can search by group type, (Growth Groups), and night of week. You can view available groups and descriptions and send an inquiry email to group leader. Don't miss this opportunity to experience life-changing community within your church family.

If you would like to start a new group please contact Pastor Rob at or call (949) 496-9331, ext 131.

