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The Quarantine as Opportunity to Love

South Shores Church member, Dr. Sean McDowell takes a different look at the time we are in; one that sees an opportunity to love....

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Daily Video Devos - Week 1

As government officials continue to encourage social distancing and many of our Growth Groups are on hiatus, we still want to be in God's Word together. So each day, check in on Facebook, South Shores App, or website blog to catch our Daily Video Devotional with a variety of staff from SSC....

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South Shores: Coronavirus Update

Important update regarding the COVID-19 (coronavirus) and South Shores Church....

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Why Does God Allow the Coronavirus?

South Shores Church member, Dr. Sean McDowell tackles the difficult question of why God would allow the coronavirus pandemic. Originally published on his blog at

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Christmas Eve 2019

Christmas Eve services at South Shores Church 2019 (Times)...

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Christmas According to Kids

The kids of South Shores tell the Christmas story in four parts, answering the questions: was Mary freaked out? what size was the angel that appeared to shepherds? What were the gifts that the wisemen brought to Jesus? And many more!...

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And the Greatest of These Is Love

Rather than demanding political power, Jesus came to live among us and make a way for us to be right with God. Christmas, and my newfound position in the classroom, reminds me that while love isn’t always flashy, it is transformative....

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Supreme Over All of You

Jesus is not only Supreme Over Creation and Supreme Over Redemption, but He is supreme over you, all of you. This is the third and final part of a series of blog posts looking at Jesus in Colossians 1:16-23....

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Supreme Over Redemption

Our world is beautiful, yes, but it is broken. And people...well, we can say the same thing. As much as we want to admire the good things in life, we are constantly reminded of the tragedies and the pain that is brought about by our choices and those of others'. As we make our way through Colossians 1, we see that the Lord of Creation is also the Lord of New Creation. The ...

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Supreme Over Creation

We live in a beautiful world, but rather than get stuck on what was created, scripture takes us to Jesus to have greater awe, peace and understanding in our world....

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